السبت, يوليو 27, 2024
الرئيسيةالأخبارWe watched them comfort her and make sure she was ok

We watched them comfort her and make sure she was ok

These twin heroes thwarted a Derby city centre bag snatcher

The bag was returned to its grateful canada goose outlet reviews owner and nothing had been stolen.

Henry, a computer science canada goose outlet new york city student at the University of Worcester, canada goose jacket outlet said: “It all happened so quickly but the adrenaline kicked in and we just had to help out.

“I was just canada goose outlet uk sale behind because I wanted to protect my brother in canada goose uk black friday case anything happened. Reece was closing the gap canada goose outlet sale when he yelled ‘drop the bag’ and the man canada goose outlet store immediately did it before running away.”

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He added: “The adrenaline kicked back in and we ran back towards Greggs where we saw the elderly woman and her uk canada goose cohort who were so thankful that somebody had stepped in to do something about this heinous crime.

“People are calling us heroes but we were just in the right place at the right time. We just wanted to set the right example for younger children and to make it clear that this type of behaviour isn acceptable.

A Facebook post which Canada Goose Parka has been shared thousands of times described the siblings as “heroes”.

Stenson Fields shop owner threatened by masked robbers with It read: “Today, while walking around Derby, we saw these two young men racing after a lad carrying a handbag.

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“They managed to get the thief to drop the bag and they ran back to the lady who had been canada goose outlet uk attacked. We watched them comfort her and make sure she cheap canada goose was ok. she was very shaken canada goose outlet store uk up.

“Much respect https://www.bamschaatsteam.nl to you lads. Let’s share the hell out of this in the hope they get recognised for the heroes they were today.”

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All the latest news official canada goose outlet from Derby city centre

Intu Derby store longer exists Scores of people Canada Goose Jackets left comments on the post thanking the men for their efforts.

Reece is studying food, nutrition and canada goose coats on sale wellbeing at Harper Adams University in Shropshire. Both are currently on a gap year.

The incident was reported to Derbyshire police. Anyone with information should call the force on 101 quoting crime reference number 474 canada goose factory outlet of November 6.

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